Hey everyone! This last week, I had the chance to invite 2 people to be baptized, and they both accepted! Having 1 person get baptized while you serve in Italy is awesome, but having 2 people want to be baptized is even rarer. I am super lucky to be in Caserta and teach these people!
Franco has been meeting with missionaries for the last few years on and off, never once felt inclined to be baptized into the church. While talking with him, I felt prompted to ask what concerns he had about baptism; we had just talked about baptism before and he said no. Why should I revisit it? I pushed it aside and I got the feeling again and so I said to myself "if it came twice it will come a third time so why not cut to the chase and just ask" so I asked, "what are all of the reasons he has for not getting baptized?" He said a few things, then just stopped. He looked out in the distance and said, "I will be baptized". I was taken away, and so I said, "are you making this commitment to me or God?" Giving him a chance to back out. He said "To God" and we set a day and read what the Baptismal interview questions are and what he need to do to prepare for it. He said "I will do all that you ask" which reminds me of Alma 22:15 when the King was willing to give all he had for God. Franco will put away smoking and Drinking and live a higher life serving others because of what I had the chance to show him.
Rosa is an African Lady from Nigeria who came into contact with us by her friend who is a member of our church. We started meeting with Rosa's friend because we didn't know her and she hadn't been to church in a few years. When we went over I met Rosa and taught her the Restoration. She has been attending church with her Friend for the last 4 weeks! On Sunday she went up and talked about what she believed in and the next day I invited her to be baptized. It took a while to explain everything we believe to her and we aren't done but she has made the commitment to be baptized because she believes it is a good thing to do.
It makes me so happy to have only been on the mission for a few months and to have had the great opportunity to help so many people become closer to Christ!
In other news, I will be staying in Caserta for another transfer to baptize these 2 and maybe another person (we will see this week!!) And I will be getting another companion! Anziano Smullin will be going to Rome and Anziano Marshall will be coming here.
Like always let me know what is going on and here are the photos
With love,
Anziano Blake